Finstock Local History Society

Finstock's lively Local History Society meets on the third Friday of the month (except March & December, when it's the second Friday) at 8.00pm at the village hall. Members are free and non-members are £2.50.

Click the image above for more information and to order your copy

In 2019, the Society released Two Wychwood Villages: Finstock Upon the Hill, and Fawler Down Derry - an exciting new book on the history of Finstock and Fawler. It’s the product of many years’ work and tells the extraordinary story of rural life in these two seemingly ordinary villages - from pre-history to Roman times, Medieval to Victorian, right through to the first full account of Ramsden Heath Military Camp. Painstakingly researched and fully referenced, Two Wychwood Villages is a must for those interested in the Wychwood forest area, local history or rural life in general.

To more info and to pre-order your copy, please click the book cover image on the right / below.

For Society meeting details, please see the Events page.