Monday 14th March 2016, 8pm
NEW LOCATION: The upper room, Finstock Church, Witney Road, Finstock
Southill Solar Farm is a 4.5 megawatt solar farm to be installed on the Witney Road between Finstock and Charlbury. It's a very exciting community-run project to generate green electricity and and sell it back to the grid - creating profits for investors alongside a community fund which will be used to reinvest in local environmental projects. The aim is to make £30,000 each year over the farm's lifespan of 25 years.
This meeting with the directors lets you find out what it’s all about and how you can get involved. Shares are available to buy until 8th April. Local residents have the first priority to buy and they are going fast - don't miss out!
More info: Katherine Lucas , 55 High St, Finstock 01993 868487